They too have their own aces in the form of Total War: Warhammer 2 units. Hence, we've chosen to expand this roster in order to incorporate some of the less META races. Now once you've picked your favorite faction, knowing which Warhammer 2 units work best in an army composition is key to reigning supreme both in the battle and campaign map. Well, the same can be said for any Warhammer title, to be honest.

That notion is only compounded by the fact that there are so many factions vying for supremacy in this Warhammer title. Updated Augby Sid Natividad: There are so many good units in Total War: Warhammer 2 that it would be hard to include everyone's favorite. They may not be as godly as a Faction Lord wielding the Sword of Khaine but they make for pretty good alternatives. does this sometimes! So, in order to even out the playing field, check out these borderline busted non-Lord units in the game. They either make the faction shine better or make the whole Mortal Empires campaign a joke, especially if you cram 19 of them in an army and start steamrolling all over the map. RELATED: Easiest Kill-Teams To Build For Warhammer 40,000 Suffice to say, there are overpowered units in the factions of Total War: Warhammer 2, and they're likely to be favorite units in their respective factions. No matter how formidable you think you are, there will always be a dragon, shaggoth, or some death metal warriors ready to squash you. It also allows you to use southern realms mod and kraka drak mod as well so well worth downloading.It's not easy being a foot soldier in the world of Total War: Warhammer 2.

Good luck on that Crynsos if you are reading this. A very quick video about mixu faction unlocker which allows you to play campaigns, it just gives people eager to try a new campaign why they wait for crynos faction unlocker to be fixed. As you may have noticed, the Wood Elves rework presents the faction with a new mode of traveling in Total War: Warhammer II.